We are always happy to help you enroll in higher education institutions all over Russia!

Fill out the form

We will answer all the questions
5 000

More than 5,000 applicants have found their way and their profession!

We work under a bilateral contract with universities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan, and all our universities have state accreditation and license!


Our goal is to help applicants find their way to success when applying to universities.

Learning makes us better people,
And gives us the power to conquer our world.

With an unsurpassed five years of experience in the field of education, we are proud to announce that our team has helped more than 5,000 applicants not only successfully enroll in prestigious universities in Russia, but also complete their studies with excellent results. Our extensive understanding of the processes of admission and transfer of students allows us to easily accompany our clients not only through the important stage of admission, but also with transfer from one educational institution to another, as well as even transfer from Russia to Uzbekistan or to any other country in the world.

We guarantee an individual approach and professional assistance at every stage of training, ensuring ease and effectiveness in achieving educational goals. Our experience and expertise are your reliable partner in achieving success in education!


We work under a bilateral contract with universities of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Uzbekistan, and all our universities have passed state accreditation and have a license!
  • We will process your documents
  • Nostrification
  • Notarization and translation of documents
  • Assistance in choosing a university
  • Preparation for the exam
  • Assistance within 1 year after admission
  • Online and offline learning formats
  • Transfer from your university to any other university in the Russian Federation
  • Transfer of education from universities of the Russian Federation to universities of Uzbekistan
  • Paperwork for transfer to another university
  • Preparation for exams
  • Collect and send a package of documents from your university to Uzbekistan via mail
  • Help to transfer to those students who have been suspended from their studies or have taken academic leave
  • Registration of documents
  • Providing information by exploring issues
  • Initial training basics
  • Assistance in making contractual payments
  • We study the work of students who are on the verge of being expelled from their studies
  • Transition from a contract to a budget
  • And other topics

Our goal: trust, quality and attention! Individual approach to the applicant who contacts us!

Collecting documents.

During the training, all types of documents are collected and primary care is provided.

Favorable prices.

Thanks to us, you get the opportunity to study at any of the selected universities at a simple and affordable price.

The wishes of our customers.

The individual pays attention to each client, avoiding confusion.

Victory is guaranteed!

With us, every client takes the first step towards his dream of becoming a student at a prestigious university.

The best universities in Russia trust us!

Our universities in Uzbekistan

All our universities have passed state accreditation and are licensed!

Акобиров Матлубхон

Tashkent university of humanities
Head of Marketing Department

Photo 5 2023 09 29 0 1

Проректор Барно Жахонгировна

RENASSANS University
All directions are available

Photo 4 2023 09 29 0 1

Проректор Кудрат Умарович

Alfraganus University
All directions are available

21 1

Ректор Нурулло Масадиков

Central Asian University
University of Medical Sciences

Photo 2 2023 09 29 0 1

Ректор Азамжон Иномиддинов

Namangan International University
All directions are available

Photo 2023 10 13 17 30 13

Additional information

Our YouTube channel provides initial information for applicants. You can find the necessary answers to your questions about studying. Our address through this channel.


Жахонгир Саидович

The head of the company

Баходиржон Тожиддинов

Баходиржон Тожиддинов

Specialist in working with students from Central Asia

Сирожбек Мадалиев

Specialist in the work of international students


Назиралиев Абдурахмон
2023 йил РУДН университетига бизнинг фирма оркали укишга кирган.

Омонов Аббосбек
3-курс талабаси Тожикистондан РУДН университетига кучириб берилди!

Маматов Жасурбек
2021 йил РУДН университетига бизнинг фирма оркали укишга кирган.

Сайдуллаев Норбек
2023 йил РУДН университетига бизнинг фирма оркали хужжатларини топширган ва хозирда Нефтегаз йўналишида укиб келмокда.

Хайруллаев Хабибулло
2023 йил РУДН университетига бизнинг фирма оркали хужжатларини топширган ва хозирда Психология йўналишида укиб келмокда.

Раджабова Сабрина
2023 йил РУДН университетига бизнинг фирма оркали укишга кирган.

Усупжонов Фарохиддин
2022 йил РУДН университетига бизнинг фирма оркали укишга кирган ва хозирда Психология йўналишида укиб келмокда.

Эргашев Жасур
2021 йил РУДН университетига бизнинг фирма оркали укишга кирган ва хозирда Мехмонхона иши йўналишида укиб келмокда.

Our address:

Miklukho-Maklaya str. D18 K2 Post office: Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00

Our working days:
From Monday to Friday
Saturday and Sunday

For consultation:
Social network:

Индивидуальный предприниматель

Хайитов Жахонгир Саид угли

Регистрирующий орган
Межрайонная инспекция Федеральной налоговой службы № 46 по г. Москве

Фактический Адрес регистрации организации:

г.Москва Ул.Миклухо-Маклая д18 к2 Индекс: 117437

ИНН: 772844406808


p/c: 40802810002570004471

в АО «АЛЬФА-БАНК» к/с: 30101810145250000974

БИК: 044525593

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